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Despite rumors to the contrary, there is no real evidence that heterosexuality is on the wane. Heterosexuality seems to be holding its own despite the increased popularity of other sexual persuasions, such as homosexuality, sexuality, ambisexuality, bisexuality and polysexuality, to name but a few. There are, in fact, indications that heterosexuality may be on the rise:

Sales of Norman Rockwell prints are at an all-time high.. Recent months have seen a marked resurgence of in traditionally heterosexual recreational activities, such as bowling and miniature golf. In a survey of male flight attendants for one major airline, at least 25 percent admitted having had more than one fantasy involving Bo Derek. A leading grocery chain reports a mini-boom in sales of such heterosexual staples at Rice-A-Roni, Tuna Helper, Kraft Dinner and Gino's Pizza Rolls. More than half of the adults interviewed at random on a downtown Boston streetcorner thought the diesel fuel additive amyl nitrate was a French actor who starred in the heterosexual cult film, "A Man and a Woman."

HETEROSEXUALS are, unfortunately, too often the victims of a prejudice born of ignorance. Many people tend to think of all so-called "straights" as people who wear white cotton underwear, dance the Lindy and sit around watching reruns, of "All in the Family." Although it's true there are many who do adhere to this traditional straight lifestyle, there is a minority who attend Bette Middler concerts, frequent roller discos and stay up all night, boogeying and snorting cocaine.

Being straight doesn't necessarily mean being dull, although it

often can.

Many straights have been able to transcend their sexual orientation, or even turn it to their advantage. Some of our most charismatic public figures, among them Walter F. Mondale, Suzanne Somers and James Watt, are admitted heterosexuals.

Heterosexuals are commonly thought to be monogamous. This is a myth. Some, it's true. lead lives of unrelieved domestic tranquility.

But studies have shown that many straights are even more neurotic and sex-obsessed than people with other sexual preferences. They cruise singles bars, compulsively searching for partners. They enter wet T-shirt contests. They engage in furtive extramarital affairs. A few even try "swinging." Many straight men spend hours in dimly lit rooms fantasizing over Cheryl Tiegs. posters, while straight women flock to male strip shows or throw their undergarments on stage during Englebert Humperdinck


PROFESSIONALS caution that in dealing with heterosexuals, it's important to remember that they did not choose to be straight. They were born that way. They can't help it. Most psychiatrists try to help them find happiness within their own sexual milleu, to accept their sexual preference and not try to change it.

Therapy can help the heterosexual come to terms with his or her own sexuality, but it has its limits. Even prolonged, intensive treatment may not help hard-core heterosexuals overcome the urge STRAIGHTS, CONT. PAGE 18

JUNE ACTION 1982/ 17